Centre Fundraising Support

Welcome to FutureDharma’s Centre Fundraising Support page
At FutureDharma, we see that we have a pivotal role to play in supporting the financial resilience of our movement. We want to share the knowledge that we have gained since our founding in 2016, particularly in our Communications and Fundraising work. That’s why we’ve created our Triratna Communications and Fundraising toolkit, available just below.
Further down this page you will find the ‘Triratna Online Fundraising Toolkit’ which was created by Kusaladevi in 2020 as part of FutureDharma’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. We offered resources to support centres in adapting to moving online when centres and groups were closed, with normal sources of income lost. Kusaladevi also recorded an excellent seminar with Sanghamani from the Karuna Trust. These resources are still excellent sources of information and can be found below.
Triratna Communications and Fundraising Toolkit
This toolkit has been assembled to help your local group or centre to maximise your potential income by supporting you with key fundraising tips and crucial guidance on getting the most out of your communications.
More Documents and Resources
Here are more key resources to support you with online fundraising
Triratna Online Fundraising Toolkit
A comprehensive Triratna Online Fundraising Toolkit, which outlines the key strategy, principles and methods of fundraising from your Sanghas at this time.
Triratna Online Fundraising Toolkit – Version 2
A follow on from the original Toolkit, containing some of the tips that Sanghamani and I shared in our Fundraising webinar, for Telephone, email and “live” online dana appeals.
Un kit de herramientas Triratna para recaudación de fondos online
Un kit completo que resume la estrategia clave, los principios y métodos de recaudación de fondos en vuestras Sanghas durante este periodo.
Comparison of online platforms
A document comparing various online giving platforms and some of the key considerations for choosing a site.
Look out here for future Fundraising training videos.
What, fundraise now?!
Amalavajra, Fundraising Director at FutureDharma Fund, encourages Triratna sanghas that they can not just financially survive the Coronavirus crisis, but even thrive. This means learning a new approach to fundraising, which FutureDharma will help with.
Making Online Dana Appeals
Kusaladevi, Centre Fundraising Support Trainer at FutureDharma Fund, outlines some key points to consider when making online Dana Appeals.
Sample Dana Appeal
Kusaladevi, Centre Fundraising Support Trainer at FutureDharma Fund, demonstrates what a “live” online Dana Appeal might look like.
FutureDharma also offers bespoke one off training to guide you through making a centre appeal and any specifics around fundraising in your particular situation. There is no charge for these sessions; we are keen to share our the knowledge and expertise gained through our own work and training. So please get in touch if you think we can help you.
Contact us at fundraising@futuredharma.org